VEER North's mission is through moral imagination to navigate a course of action between companies and veterans so together they can create a diverse and veteran-friendly culture.

According to a 2019 Journal of Veteran Studies article, military veterans possess critical competencies and attributes that are relevant to civilian employers (i.e. leadership, teamwork, mission-focused, cross-cultural understanding, flexibility). In this same article, military veterans/reservists perform at higher levels than nonveterans, have lower turnover rates after their first job than nonveterans, and military friendly firms have higher median stock return (up to 40% higher).

According to the Institute of Veterans and Military Families, 41% and 40% of African American and Women (respectively) veterans reported that their military specialization is STEM RELATED.. In the same reports Teamwork, work ethic and discipline were the top two skills and attributes strengthened by military service for African American and Women Veterans.

Military Spouses according to the Executive Office of the President of the United States are:

  • less likely to be labor force participants

  • earn less than would otherwise be expected

  • face higher rates of unemployment

  • disproportionately affected by occupational licensing requirements

VEER North can help your company increase your veteran and military spouse hires through:

  1. Education: Military Culture training for executives, hiring managers/human resources team and/or all employees and provide data analytics of veteran population of your company sites

  2. Translation: VEER North will translate the military resume and help in a search for military spouses and veterans hires' in your company.

  3. Navigation: Design a specialized military recruiting, retention and advancement program for your company using our Navigation Map.

For more info please fill on how VEER North can help your firm please out this form